Key Duplication

Instant Residential. Commercial, or Automotive Key Copying Service

If you have lost your keys, need a spare set, or need to replace a damaged key, our walk-in or direct-to-you service will provide a fast and convenient way to solve your problem. For your peace of mind, we are licensed by the Texas Department of Public Safety / Private Security Bureau as a security contractor in Alarm Systems, Electronic Access Control and all other aspects of locksmithing. We are GSA certified. We use approved methods of servicing, installing, diagnosing, troubleshooting, repairing and certifying GSA Locks, Vaults & Containers.

Our key cutting and locksmith services include the following:

  • Basic key cutting
  • Rekeying of existing locks
  • Car key, auto smart keys, program chip keys and remotes re-programming services
  • Installation of door and other locks used in your home.
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